White crystal Barite

White crystal Barite has high weight and first class whiteness and does not react with acid. This product is used in various industries, from oil industry to paper making. Other characteristics of barite include the following.

Among its other practical properties, it includes fillers, in pharmaceuticals, in chemicals, in glass production, as insulation, in the production of barium carbonate, in the production of ceramics and electro-ceramics, in other chemical compounds containing barium, in medical photography, in the separation of aluminum. Oil pipes are a weighting material in copper casting, oil and gas drilling and other cases.

White crystal Barite

Characteristics of White barite crystal

White barite crystal

It is good that you are fully familiar with the specifications of this product before buying it, so that you can be sure of its quality when using it. We introduce some of these specifications here.

The chemical formula of barite crystal is BaSo4.
This product has a completely white color.
Its production is in 2500 mesh
Its production includes the American Petroleum Institute (API) standard.
The relative density is 4.2 grams per cubic centimeter.

Worldwide, 69–77% of baryte is used as a weighting agent for drilling fluids in oil and gas exploration to suppress high formation pressures and prevent blowouts. As a well is drilled, the bit passes through various formations, each with different characteristics. The deeper the hole, the more baryte is needed as a percentage of the total mud mix. An additional benefit of baryte is that it is non-magnetic and thus does not interfere with magnetic measurements taken in the borehole, either during logging-while-drilling or in separate drill hole logging. Baryte used for drilling petroleum wells can be black, blue, brown or gray depending on the ore body. The baryte is finely ground so that at least 97% of the material, by weight, can pass through a 200-mesh (75 μm) screen, and no more than 30%, by weight, can be less than 6 μm diameter. The ground baryte also must be dense enough so that its specific gravity is 4.2 or greater, soft enough to not damage the bearings of a tricone drill bit, chemically inert, and containing no more than 250 milligrams per kilogram of soluble alkaline salts.In August 2010, the American Petroleum Institute published specifications to modify the 4.2 drilling grade standards for baryte to include 4.1 SG materials.Taken from Wikipedia